Val:~$ whoami

I am Val Glinskiy, network engineer specializing in data center networks. TIME magazine selected me as Person of the Year in 2006.

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Nagios BGP plugin

I converted the script I wrote to monitor BGP on Cisco routers via SNMP into Nagios plugin. I did not like check_bgp plugin which comes with Nagios, because it requires username and password to access a router to be stored in plain text.

Here is how to configure Nagios to use my plugin:
copy into nagios/libexec directory. Then, add the following to Nagios config

define command{       
command_name    check_bgp_snmp
command_line    $USER1$/ -r $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$

define service{
host_name               router1
service_description     BGP CHECK
check_command           check_bgp_snmp!public
max_check_attempts      2
normal_check_interval   5
retry_check_interval    2
check_period            24x7
notification_interval   10
notification_period     24x7
notification_options    w,u,c,r
notifications_enabled   0
contact_groups          admins


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

more BGP monitor changes

I added "send alarm" feautre and changed the way it checks router. First, it checks if BGP session with neighbor is established. If not, it proceeds to verify that neighbor is not administratively down and sends e-mail. But if BGP session is established, it checks whether router receives prefixes from that neighbor.
Let me know if you find any bugs.


Monday, June 12, 2006

BGP monitor changes

I made some changes to the script. The output format is different and it also retreives number of prefixes received from neighbors.
nas-server:~$ ./ router1

Router: router1  AS  64512
Neighbor                Status          PfxRcd           established     2841107            established     3445788              established     2886739              established     3


Friday, June 09, 2006

BGP monitor

Our ISP had maintenance couple of nights ago and failed to tell us. That maintenace resulted in 2 out of 4 our BGP neighbors going down. That event did not trigger monitor alarms because physical links stayed up. So, I needed to be able to receive information about BGP session state without logging into Cisco router and running "show ip bgp summary" command. Here is the output of this command:
router2#sho ip bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 64512
BGP table version is 14738877, main routing table version 14738877
185644 network entries using 18750044 bytes of memory
556906 path entries using 26731488 bytes of memory
67493 BGP path attribute entries using 3779888 bytes of memory
2 BGP rrinfo entries using 48 bytes of memory
30185 BGP AS-PATH entries using 774560 bytes of memory
0 BGP route-map cache entries using 0 bytes of memory
3 BGP filter-list cache entries using 36 bytes of memory
BGP using 50036064 total bytes of memory
BGP activity 870972/685328 prefixes, 6757346/6200440 paths, scan interval 60 secs

Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd        4 64512 3358195 3465622 14738877    0    0 11w2d      185628        4 64512  114502  114499 14738877    0    0 11w2d           3     4 65535 3005050  110420 14738846    0    0 13:02:41   185636      4 65535 2987510  114513 14738846    0    0 10w3d      185636

Note, that I replaced AS numbers and IP addresses with fake ones.
I wanted to see state of BPG neighbors only. At first I wanted to write expect script to log into routers and run show ip bgp summary, but there are obvious security implications. I needed to store password somewhere. Another solutions is to wrap snmpwalk command into shell script and parse the output. I decided to shake off some rust of my perl skills and do it in perl.
Usage example

nas-server:~$ ./ router2

Router: router2  AS 64512 
Neighbor:       Status:        established
Neighbor:       Status:        active
Neighbor:    Status:        established
Neighbor:     Status:        established

Next version of the script will send alarms whenever neighbor status is not "establised" and bgp session is not administratively down.
Thank O'Reilly book for helping me figuring out hash dereferencing.